Sunday, 31 March 2019

Nailed It

"God bless UK you know it's bad when some immigrant in his Hi-Vis Vest thinks he can tell you what to do in public only in UK .. And then society has the nerve to talk about Nazis."

From the comment section of this video:
Rod Liddle's Got Issues: Council Monkeys

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Nailed It

"Unbelievable,a few broken windows & the whole counter terror police swing into action,no doubt MI5,MI6 will be going through phone records & the thought police will be scanning Social media looking for the perpertrators of this heinous act of terrorism,next up the entire British army will be out on the streets hunting the vandal down.It will probably be another MusIlm doing it to get even more appeasement from the authorities."

From the Yahoo News page:

Monday, 18 March 2019

Nailed It

"A feminist defending a man hitting a woman. Par for the course."

From the comments section of this video:

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Nailed It

There is a certain type of person in the UK that once the trigger word
of "racist" is used against someone, then they seem to loose the ability
 to think critically. In the eyes of such people, no treatment of such a
 "racist" individual is to severe. They won't care if you treat someone
worse then a dog. This is why there was a complete lack of concern for
the way that he was treated whilst in jail. As a reminder, he literally
had shit thrown at him. He was kept in solitary confinement. Denied
visits for legal representation and family visits. And of course there
was a lot more to the story.

I would not be surprised at all if there is a complete absence of
comment in the MSM if his action against the Cambridgeshire Police is
successful. If the Judge is critical of the actions of the Police, then
you will probably be able to quote him verbatim until you are blue in
the face, but it will be like water of a Ducks back to people that think
 he deserves what he gets.

From the comments section of this video:
Tommy Robinson, the Cambridgeshire Police and Ruth Wyner

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Nailed It

"Wtaf! See all the people who cheered and clapped when the polis cuffed him? Well it's these same people who continually knock us down while they baa baa baa through the herd on the way to spend their 40 hrs a week pay on materialist shite!. I can't believe they cheered that. If that had been Saltcoats that would never have happened."

From the comments section of this video:

Friday, 1 March 2019

Nailed It

"I vote to deport David Lammy and Kehinde Andrews back to Africa, that way they can get personally involved with helping the people there."

From the comments section of this video: