Wings, William A. Wellman, 1927
Evil Ed (Special Ed-ition Cut), Anders Jacobsson, 1995

Dracula (Universal's Spanish Language Version), George Melford, 1931
Saving Mr. Banks, John Lee Hancock, 2013
Charley Varrick, Don Siegel. 1973
Oldboy, Park Chan-wook, 2003
Cops Vs. Thugs, Kinji Fukasaku, 1975
Spione, Fritz Lang, 1928
Mark of the Devil, Michael Armstrong, 1970
Bad Santa, Terry Zwigoff, 2003
Tartuffe, F.W. Murnau, 1926
Lord of Illusions (Director's Cut), Clive Barker, 1995
La Grande Bouffe, Marco Ferreri, 1973
Seeding of a Ghost, Chuan Yang,1983
Outland, Peter Hyams, 1981
The Lego Batman Movie, Chris McKay, 2017
Bronson, Nicolas Winding Refn, 2008
Swallows and Amazons, Claude Whatham, 1974
Three... Extremes, Fruit Chan, Park Chan-wook and Takashi Miike, 2004
Robot and Frank, Jake Schreier, 2012
L'Atalante, Jean Vigo, 1934
Quest For Fire, Jean-Jacques Annaud, 1981
Every Home Should Have One, Jim Clark, 1970
Spawn (Director's Cut), Mark A.Z. Dippé, 1997
Carry On Don't Loose Your Head, Gerald Thomas, 1966
To Be Or Not To Be, Alan Johnson, 1983
The Burmese Harp, Kon Ichikawa, 1956
A Fistful of Dollars, Sergio Leone, 1964
School for Scoundrels, Robert Hamer and Cyril Frankel, 1960
The Inbetweeners Movie, Ben Palmer, 2011
Nothing But the Best, Clive Donner, 1963
Sky Blue, Moon-saeng Kim, 2003
Bad Santa
The Burmese Harp
Carry On Don't Loose Your Head
Charley Varrick
Cops Vs. Thugs
Dracula (Universal's 1931 Spanish Language Version)
Every Home Should Have One
Evil Ed (Special Ed-ition Cut)
A Fistful of Dollars
La Grande Bouffe
The Inbetweeners Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
Lord of Illusions (Director's Cut)
Mark of the Devil
Nothing But the Best
Oldboy (2003)
Quest For Fire
Robot and Frank
Saving Mr. Banks
School for Scoundrels
Seeding of a Ghost
Sky Blue
Spawn (Director's Cut)
Swallows and Amazons
Three... Extremes
To Be Or Not To Be
By Decade:
1926: Tartuffe
1927: Wings
1928: Spione
1931: Dracula (Universal's Spanish Language Version)
1934: L'Atalante
1956: The Burmese Harp
1960: School for Scoundrels
1963: Nothing But the Best
1964: A Fistful of Dollars
1966: Carry On Don't Loose Your Head
1970: Every Home Should Have One
1970: Mark of the Devil
1973: Charley Varrick
1973: La Grande Bouffe
1974: Swallows and Amazons
1975: Cops Vs. Thugs
1981: Outland
1981: Quest For Fire
1983: Seeding of a Ghost
1983: To Be Or Not To Be
1995: Evil Ed (Special Ed-ition Cut)
1995: Lord of Illusions (Director's Cut)
1997: Spawn (Director's Cut)
2003: Bad Santa
2003: Oldboy
2003: Sky Blue
2004: Three... Extremes
2008: Bronson
2011: The Inbetweeners Movie
2012: Robot and Frank
2013: Saving Mr. Banks
2017: The Lego Batman Movie
By Country:
1934: L'Atalante
France and Canada:
1981: Quest For Fire
France and Italy:
1973: La Grande Bouffe
1926: Tartuffe
1928: Spione
1970: Mark of the Devil
Hong Kong:
1983: Seeding of a Ghost
Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea:
2004: Three... Extremes
Italy, Germany and Spain:
1964: A Fistful of Dollars
1956: The Burmese Harp
1975: Cops Vs. Thugs
South Korea:
2003: Oldboy
2003: Sky Blue
1995: Evil Ed (Special Ed-ition Cut)
1960: School for Scoundrels
1963: Nothing But the Best
1966: Carry On Don't Loose Your Head
1970: Every Home Should Have One
1974: Swallows and Amazons
1981: Outland
2008: Bronson
2011: The Inbetweeners Movie
1927: Wings
1931: Dracula (Universal's Spanish Language Version)
1973: Charley Varrick
1983: To Be Or Not To Be
1995: Lord of Illusions (Director's Cut)
1997: Spawn (Director's Cut)
2003: Bad Santa
2012: Robot and Frank
2013: Saving Mr. Banks
2017: The Lego Batman Movie